Conservation: Together at Home Webinar Series: The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS)

The Icon Book & Paper Group Committee is organizing a series of live-streamed talks while many people are required to stay at home during in these unprecedented times. The next talk will be Matija Strlic giving his talk “The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS)”.
Much could be gained from research that is openly shared, as well as from research that is collaboratively developed. The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) will specifically promote the sharing of facilities where research is carried out – whether scientific laboratories, conservation workshops or art history research departments. Namely, investments into unique research facilities and expertise are much better justifiable if access to such facilities is open to external researchers. Many such facilities already exist and operate nationally and in order to reduce the risk of duplication, E-RIHS will be developed into a distributed infrastructure. This way, excellent facilities will pool some of their operational time to enable research to be carried out internationally and collaboratively, with lean central management. E-RIHS, including its UK node, E-RIHS.UK, is still actively developing and collaboration is actively promoted across the spectrum of heritage research.
About the speaker
Matija Strlic is Professor of Heritage Science at University College London and Professor of Analytical Chemistry at University of Ljubljana. His main research interests are the development of heritage science infrastructure, including instrumentation and methodology, as well as modelling of heritage materials, environments, values and decision making. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the International Institute for Conservation and was Chair of the ICON Heritage Science Committee from 2015-2018.
Jun 24, 2020 04:00 PM in London
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